Facts about Melanoma

Melanoma is a term used quite often today. In fact it is sometimes misused in regards to skin cancer and problem moles. In a world with rates of skin cancer seeing a dramatic rise despite the increased use of sunscreen it’s important to know what you’re up against, how to spot early warning signs, and your personal risk factors.

There are four types of melanoma which account for 100% of the diagnosed skin cancer cases and 77% of all deaths from skin cancer (in the United States.)

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SSM or Superficial Spreading Melanoma

This is the most commonly diagnosed type of melanoma (70% of all U.S. cases) and is the leading cause of cancer deaths in young adults impacting females slightly more than males.

With this type of skin cancer the malignant cells appear most often on a mole or can also appear as a cyst or scar that appears to be spreading on the skin. After time the pigmentation can seem to fade as the body works to combat the malignant cells.

This does not mean you are cured and you should still seek immediate medical attention. In women it is most commonly found on the legs; on men the pelvis and neck. However, it can be found anywhere on the body of both men and women of all ages.

NM or Nodular Melanoma

Most often found in adults over the age of 60 this is the most aggressive type of melanoma and occurs more frequently in males than females. In contrast to SSM this type of melanoma tends to grow in depth not diameter often on a spot that doesn’t have a mole.

The growth can be hard to pick up which is why if you have a higher risk of skin cancer it’s vital to have a regular check up by a professional.

LMM or Lentigo Maligna Melanoma

This type of melanoma is usually associated with sun damaged skin and occurs in middle age or older adults. It is often left untreated in its earliest stages as it appears to be a type of age spot and goes undiagnosed for much too long. This is the danger of this type of melanoma – lack of early detection and treatment.

ALM or Acral Lentiginous Melanoma

This more rare type of melanoma is usually found in Asians or dark skinned people. It has been nicknamed ‘the hidden melanoma’ as it’s often found in unusual places or spots not often checked or thought of as potentially having skin cancer. These spots are the palms of the hand, soles of the feet, mucus membranes, and under fingernail beds. This type of melanoma is often mistaken for a bruise in its early stages.

These are the four types of melanoma. Depending on your individual make up and history you can begin to know the dangers of each and what your personal risk for each is.

Knowing what to look for and when to act is key in detecting and beating this very survivable (and often preventable) type of cancer.

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