Red Moles facts

Cherry Angioma is a common skin condition that affects individuals over 30 years of age caucasian skin type. They are small in size measuring around 1 mm in diameter. These are smooth and bright, cherry-red in appearance.  

The lesions may protrude (stick out) from the skin. Each of these lesions comprise of several weakened and enlarged blood vessels, encircled by lymph. Often, the growth assumes a dome-like form over the skin with the top being somewhat flattened. The color typically ranges from vibrant cherry red to dark purple. 

The growths commonly arise on the trunk of the body, particularly on the back. However, they may also originate in other areas of the body. These are quite common skin growths that are found to vary in size.

These are benign growths that pose no risks to sufferers. However, some patients may prefer
Cherry Angioma removal due to cosmetic reasons

angioma before and after treatment

Cherry Angiomas development causes

  • Aging. The lesions seem to be associated with increase in age as they are found to arise more in older adults, especially those over age 30.
  • Chemical Exposure. In some cases, these growths are found to arise in response to an exposure to chemicals, such as 2-butoxyethanol, mustard gas, cyclosporine and bromides.
  • Heredity Genetic factors are also held to be responsible for the growth of these lesions as they are found to arise in some cases in members of the same family.

Cherry angiomas are regarded as the most prevalent form of angiomas. There is a lack of proper knowledge about the causes and possible sources of these growths on the skin. It is attributed to half-hearted attempts by most researchers in the medical field. It is partly due to the fact that these lesions are benign and do not result in major complications.

What you can do to control and remove unsightly skin growth?

Thermocoagulation or Cryosurgery has been used for removing these growths. These are benign growths that pose no risks to sufferers.

However, some patients may prefer Cherry angioma removal due to cosmetic reasons. The growths are cosmetically unsightly, especially when they appear on face. In some cases, these are also found to bleed frequently.  

Some patients may also suffer from discomforts if the lesions arise in some region that creates problems while carrying out daily activities. Growths in uncomfortable spots may also be at risk from getting pressed by things like straps of backpacks or bags, bra straps and waist bands. It may be a good idea to remove the lesions in such cases and make the patient feel more comfortable. 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Intense pulse light is used to remove the red lesions. The light is absorbed by haemoglobin within the unwanted lesion. The light is then converted to heat which irreversibly alters the capillary wall. The treatment is usually permanent but new growths can arise in new locations over time.

Handling tips

  • Don't exposed constantly to sun as then red moles behaviour changes and might become a cancer threat.
  • Keep your body hydrated with water, exercise daily to increase circulation, and replenish lost moisture with night creams or lotion
  • Avoid scratching the red moles on skin since it might cause irritation and subsequently lead to melanoma
  • As early as possible efforts should be made to check whether the red moles in the skin changes in size or colour. For an effective cure, early detection is very important
red moles

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